Action for
Children and Families
of Prisoners
We are a network focused on children and families affected by imprisonment. Our members include community-based organisations, researchers, and advocacy groups. We aim to map current knowledge and supports, and disseminate best practices and actions for change.
The estimated number of children with a parent in prison on any given day in Ireland
The estimated number of children who experience parental imprisonment each year in Ireland

Survey: Understanding the financial impact of imprisonment on families and children
As part of the Irish Penal Reform Trust’s (IPRT) Children and Families Initiative, we have commissioned a piece of research to explore the financial impact on children and families in Ireland when a family member is imprisoned. This research builds on IPRT’s...
IPRT Action for Children and Families of Prisoners Network meets new Irish Prison Service Family Connections Officer
On Tuesday 10 September 2024, members of the Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT) Action for Children and Families of Prisoners Network met in person for their fourth meeting of 2024. Representatives from IPRT, Bedford Row, New Directions, Traveller Justice Initiative,...
Invitation to Tender: Exploring the financial impact on children and families in Ireland when a family member is imprisoned
**The deadline has been extended until 12noon Monday 7 October 2024** Invitation to Tender Exploring the financial impact on children and families in Ireland when a family member is imprisoned About IPRT Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT) is Ireland’s principal...
IPRT submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child on children’s rights to access to justice and effective remedies
On 23 August 2024, Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT) submitted to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child on its draft General Comment No. 27 on children’s rights to access to justice and effective remedies. This General Comment aims to clarify the terms, approaches...
IPRT reflects on children’s responses on how to make prison spaces more child-friendly for children visiting a parent
How can we make prison spaces more child-friendly for children visiting a parent? Children’s responses to an online consultation with Children of prisoners Europe (COPE) Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT) previously estimated that approximately 5,000 children...
Round Up: Children of Prisoners Europe (COPE) International Conference
From Wednesday 12 June 2024 until Friday 14 June 2024, Irish Penal Reform Trust Children and Families Project Coordinator Ashling Tobin travelled to Berlin, Germany to attend the Children of Prisoners Europe (COPE) annual international conference. The conference was...
Supported by
the Katharine Howard Foundation
and St Stephen’s Green Trust