On Thursday 8 December 2022, the Action for Children and Families of Prisoners Network joined together online for their eighth meeting. 

The primary focus of the meeting was for individual members to provide an update on the work they have been carrying out on behalf of children and families since the last meeting in September 2022 and to discuss any issues arising on the ground.  

Ashling Tobin, who has stepped into her new role in Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT) as Children and Families Project Coordinator, was welcomed to the committee, and she assumed her new role as co-chair of the Network. 

Two new representatives were welcomed to their first network meeting: Alan Quinn from Le Chéile Mentoring and Thomas McCarthy from Pavee Point. 

The Network heard updates from IPRT on their meeting with the Irish Prison Service (IPS). The committee highlighted the importance of continued regular communication between the IPS and the Network.  

Network members gave updates on ongoing projects, upcoming events and ongoing research in the area.

The Network discussed several issues that have arose which are impacting children and families of prisoners.

Note: Following the meeting, these issues were included in a letter which was sent to the Director of the Irish Prison Service (IPS). A meeting between the IPRT, Chairs of the Action for children and Families of Prisoners Network committee and the IPS took place on the 13th of January 2023 where these issues were discussed and addressed. The findings will be brought back the Action for Children and Families of Prisoners Network committee on the 9th of March 2023.