On Thursday 9th March 2023, the Action for Children and Families of Prisoners Network joined together online for their ninth meeting.

The primary focus of the meeting was for individual members to provide an update on the work they have been carrying out on and for the co-chairs to provide feedback from the letter sent on behalf of the Action for Children and Families of Prisoners Network to the Irish Prison Service.

At the meeting, Network members highlighted that there was a lack of consistency across the prison estate regarding prison visits to people in prison. There appears to be differences in approach in relation to access, timing, booking, children, accepted ID and use of video. It was noted the need for updated information on the website. The Network agreed to take further action in relation to prison visits.

The Network also discussed arising issues from the newly adopted IPS position that cash will no longer be taken and that support services were being asked to encourage family members to access card services. IPRT plan to raise this further.

The Network plan to meet again at the upcoming Children of Prisoners Europe (COPE) conference which is due to be held in Limerick 8-10 June.