On 31 August 2023, members of the Action for Children and Families Network (the Network) involved in the collaborative book project steering committee with Kids’ Own Publishing met for the second time to progress the project.

Kids’ Own Publishing hope the project will involve at least six, but no more than fifteen children in the forming of the book. Bedford Row have indicated they can support in facilitating this and the details of this will be progressed in discussion with Kids’ Own and IPRT.

As part of the book project, additional funding options are being investigated in the hope that a supporting educational toolkit resource can be developed alongside it. The toolkit will enable the schools and community groups to utilise the book to educate the wider community using worksheets and activities to explore the issues identified in the book. 

A research piece focussing on the children involved in the project and evaluating the process is also being progressed. The evaluation would include measuring the impact on the wider community and teachers, did it change their perceptions/ how has it contribution to changing attitudes. A grant application is being planned and ethical approval is being sought.

The next meeting of the collaboration book project steering committee will be on 28 September 2023.

Read about the previous collaborative book project meeting here and the overview of the project here.