Families Outside in Scotland welcome organisations working with families of prisoners In Ireland to attend their course for professionals. Please email training@familiesoutside.org.uk with any enquiries.

Families Outside’s Training is aimed at all professionals whose role means they come into contact with families, and who feel that they would benefit from being able to better support families who are affected by imprisonment.

It is recognised that families can play an important role in supporting the person in prison and preventing reoffending, but they have their own needs too and are deserving of support in their own right.

Families Outside’s training modules are designed to provide an understanding of the impact on children and families when a family member is sent to prison. The modules also look at what support families might need at different stages of the criminal justice process – whether someone’s relative has just been arrested, is serving a prison sentence or is due for release.

Woman sat at computer. The modules also aim to develop the knowledge and skills of participants and encourage them to consider their own current practice and how this could be further improved to support children and families affected by imprisonment using their service, or who are in contact with their organisation.

The training modules aim to incorporate a mix of learning styles, and offer opportunities to interact with other participants from different professional backgrounds and sectors.

The Families Outside: Families Affected by Imprisonment training is designed to raise awareness of the impact imprisonment has on families, improve practice and develop the knowledge and skills of participants required when supporting families affected by imprisonment. Attendance at this training will count towards continuous professional development.

The training consists of three modules:

  • Module 1 – Understanding the issues for families affected by imprisonment
  • Module 2 – Supporting children and young people who have a family member in prison
  • Module 3 – Prison and prison visiting

Attendance at the modules will aim to achieve the following learning outcomes:Woman holiday notepad and pencil, standing outside a prison building.

  • Understand the impact imprisonment has on the whole family in order to reduce stigma and social isolation
  • Improve the overall experience for families, including children and young people, navigating through the criminal justice process from arrest to release

You can choose to attend 1, 2 or all 3 modules. Each module is priced at £55 per person, per module.

Families Outside deliver training both online via Microsoft Teams and face to face in community settings.

Families Outside can also offer bespoke training to your organisation. Please get in touch with the,m if you’d like to discuss this further at training@familiesoutside.org.uk.