On 28 September 2023, members of the Action for Children and Families Network (the Network) involved in the collaborative book project steering committee with Kids’ Own Publishing met for the third time to progress the project.

The committee welcomed a representative from the Castlerea Visitors Centre to the meeting.

A grant application has been submitted for the supporting educational Learning resource tool kit for the book and other funding streams have been proposed. An outline of the specific focus of the research for the project was then presented to committee members.

Discussions on how the toolkit will work in schools took place, including how it can be used as training for teachers and youth workers that will enable them to know how to engage with children and families of people in prison. 

It was noted that it would be beneficial to reduce stigma by directing the toolkit towards young people who were not impacted by imprisonment to increase their understanding of the impact of imprisonment on children and young people of people in prison. It was also hoped that difficulties that parents have in relation to informing children that their family member is in prison would be considered as the project continues.

The committee is due to meet again on 26 October 2023. 

Read about the previous meeting of the collaborative book project here and the overview of the project here.